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Socks and Slipper donation for Seniors

By January 7, 2020No Comments

Dylan Krawiec, a freshman at Cedar Creek High School, celebrated his fifteenth birthday on Monday, Dec. 30, 2019, by orchestrating a slipper donation of more than 500 pairs of socks and slippers to residents at Seashore Gardens Living Center (SGLC).

His community service project, “Socks and Slippers for Seniors,” was inspired by a conversation with his mother, Heather Westenberger, LPN, a nurse at SGLC.
“A family had donated clothing around Thanksgiving and we were putting together outfits for residents in need when we realized that many of them needed new socks or slippers,” said Heather. “I mentioned it to my son, Dylan, and he decided to take it on as part of ‘Cedar Creek Gives Back’ program. He set up a Facebook Group page and shared it with friends and family.”
The donations came pouring in, including from as far away as California, Idaho and Arizona. SGLC also held a Dress Down Day, in exchange for donations of slippers and socks. In less than a month’s time, contributions of more than 500 slippers and socks filled five huge totes in the Westenberger family home, far surpassing Dylan’s goals.
“It’s been a truly wonderful experience for Dylan,” said Heather, who introduced him to many of the residents at SGLC on Dress Down Day. Dylan now plans to expand the project next holiday season by starting earlier and including other nearby homes for the elderly. To see more images from the day click here. If you’re looking to help by donating click here.  Also if you would like to volunteer in the future click here.