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A Message from Executive Director Alysia Price

By April 29, 2020No Comments
As of today, Wednesday, 4/29/20, our residents are doing well. However, this week we have sent two notifications to our main emergency contacts, residents and staff. Notifications are made if either a resident or staff member is under suspicion or diagnosed positive with the virus. We communicated and received guidance from the Atlantic County Board of Health and we continue to use our infection prevention protocols.
Testing at this time will be ordered by a physician if a resident is displaying any possible symptoms of the virus and their roommate may be tested if applicable. Cape Regional labs will come on site and bring us the test and our nurses will do the swab and give to the technician to return the specimen. It takes a few days to receive the results and we use the recommended protocols. If a test comes back positive, we will provide the required notifications.
As we continue to fight against this virus, we all must find ways to remain positive and optimistic that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel; where we once again will be able to visit in person with our loved ones. Whether you are a resident, family member, and/or staff member we all must do our best to support one another, have patience, and find ways to cope when feeling anxious or stressed.
This is not always easy and some days tougher than others. It is important to talk to someone and express how you are feeling. You will find most people will understand and support you and most likely they are feeling the same way. The CDC website has some very good information and educating yourself about the facts does help. We shared this information with our staff.
Many people are taking this time if they are at home to take up new activities. Our residents especially are proud of the homemade masks that been donated or made by a loved one. For those of us previously not tech savvy, FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype is now our way to stay connected. I have to say some of our residents are becoming pros at it and they are teaching us a thing or two!
Again, as of today our residents are doing quite well under these circumstances. We will continue to follow guidance from Department of Health, Atlantic County Board of Health, and CDC to do our very best to keep everyone healthy and safe.
Thank you all very much for your continued donations and support of our courageous staff caring for our residents.
Alysia Price
Executive Director